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How to cancel a product or service

We’re sorry to see you’re wanting to cancel your account at Union Window Film Agency!

We strive for 10/10 customer service and satisfaction so if there is anything at all we can do to help retain your business, please do let us know. Additionally, you may reach out to our team with any concerns, doubts, or feedback.

You can cancel a product or service inside your Union Window Film Agency account at any time. Prior to doing so, please keep in mind our Refund and Payment Policy.

Cancelling a membership #

To cancel a product or service follow these steps:

1. Login to your Union Window Film Agency client area here.

2. From the dashboard, click on Memberships to view your active membership:

3. Click on the membership or service you wish to cancel.

Cancelling a subscription #

To cancel a subscription please contact Support.

Warning: Once this is completed your product or service will terminate per your requested cancellation type which will remove all data and files associated with your product or service. Please contact us immediately if you wish to withdraw your cancellation request but please note we cannot guarantee the restoration of your data and you may incur additional charges to restore from backups.