Free shipping on all orders over $750

  Free shipping on all orders $750 ★   Free shipping on all orders $750 ★   Free shipping on all orders $750 ★

Money Back Guaranteed

Money-Back Guarantee Terms & Conditions

  1. Eligibility:

    • This money-back guarantee applies to your first roll of window film purchased.
    • You must not have used more than 75% of the roll to qualify for a refund.
    • You must request the refund within 30 days of the original purchase date.
  2. Returns Process:

    • Before sending the product back, please call our office at [Phone Number] to initiate the return and receive authorization.
    • The product must be returned in its original packaging (or similarly secure packaging) to the address provided by our customer support team.
  3. Limitations:

    • This guarantee is limited to one roll per customer. If multiple rolls have been purchased, only one roll may be returned under these terms.
    • Returning multiple partially used rolls that together total more than 75% usage is not permitted.
  4. Refunds:

    • Once we receive the returned roll and verify that no more than 75% has been used, we will issue an instant refund to your original payment method.
  5. Shipping Costs:

    • You are responsible for covering any shipping costs associated with sending the product back to us.
    • We will cover all shipping costs on our end, including costs for any replacement product if agreed upon.

By proceeding with your order, you acknowledge and accept these terms and conditions of our money-back guarantee.